ESA Testing

Electrial Anaylizer Testing (ESA) also referred to as Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

What is Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)?

The term PAT generally refers to in-service inspection and testing of portable appliances. (e.g Electric bedframes, Hoists chargers, alternating mattresses,

TV’s, radios, printers.)

Electrical appliances are built to specific standards and these appliances undergo various tests by the manufacturer before they reach the customer to ensure that they conform to the required standards.

PAT testing is essentially a repeat of the electrical safety tests that were carried out at the time the product was manufactured. It is a periodic in-service electrical safety inspection and test to ensure that the electrical safety of the appliance is not compromised while the equipment is in service.

Why PAT?

All Employers have a duty of care to ensure that their electrical appliances do not pose a threat to the health and safety of employees, customers and the public who may come into contact with those appliances.

This requirement is now covered by legislation effective November 2007 under Statutory Instrument S.I. 299 (2007). This is the general application regulation covering the new legislation under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act that came into force in September 2005 with the introduction of the Commencement Order S.I. 328 (2005).

In addition, the Health and Safety Authority is now taking a more active role in the promotion of the requirements that this places on businesses and a much more active role in compliance and enforcement.

Many companies, even those with well established and operated Health and Safety Policies and well exercised Corporate Social Responsibility Policies have been slow to implement routine Portable Appliance Testing. This situation is changing rapidly, not only for reasons of enforcement by the Health and Safety Authority, but also as part of the company’s own risk assessment process. This is being driven in some cases by the need to implement adequate systems for the attainment of quality marks and compliance with accepted standards and is now also becoming a serious issue for Insurance Companies in relation to their risk assessment and in determining premium levels.

PAT Testing (Report Service)

How is it carried out?

The testing is carried out using an RIGEL 288 ELECTRICAL SAFETY ANALYSER specifically designed and manufactured for the purpose of testing medical devices.

“In addition to IEC 60601-1 and AAMI / NFPA 99, the Rigel 288 meets the newly published standard for in-service and after repair testing of medical electronic devices, the IEC 62353”

The appliance is first given a visual inspection to see if the plug, cable, or the appliance is damaged in any way making it unsafe, the fuse rating is also checked.

This result along with appliance serial number, type & location are entered into the RIGEL 288.

This is then followed by a series of automatic Tests (examples of test include Polarity, earth continuity, insulation resistance, operational & earth leakage).

On completion of these tests the analyser will either PASS or FAIL the tested appliance.  A label will be attached to each appliance detailing whether it has passed or failed the testing process.


Following the completion of the PAT Testing of all Customers Appliances, the Stored Appliance Data is uploaded to our database.

Once this information has been uploaded, the following reports are provided to the customer:

Appliance Register: A list of all equipment tested.

Pass & Fail Certificates: A list of equipment that have either passed or failed.

Display Certificate: A certificate to display to advise that the appliances on the premises have been tested for electrical safety.